We’ve received a lot of questions from folks regarding how to return to school or work after concussion. Trained healthcare providers make that decision based on your symptoms and cognitive status after concussion. Let’s talk a little about some of the accommodations healthcare providers recommend to get you back to school and work while you’re recovering from concussion.
Returning to school and work is an important part of concussion recovery. You may think that you need to stay out of regular cognitive activities until your brain is fully healed, but research has found that the longer you stay out of school or work, the harder it is to get back to it. In general, concussion experts agree that the less time you spend out of your regular activities, the better. Your brain can’t heal if you’re not exercising the areas that are affected after concussion.
To that end, concussion care providers generally recommend temporary “adjustments” that help you get back to school or work while you’re still symptomatic. For students, they provide adjustments like providing more time to take tests, permitting short breaks throughout the day, or providing a note taker if you’re experiencing vision issues after the injury. These temporary adjustments allow a concussed student to keep up with classwork and not fall behind while they’re recovering.
For working adults, adjustments may include limited screen time, frequent breaks during the day, and avoiding overly stimulating environments. Again, these adjustments come from a trained healthcare provider and should be discussed with the school or employer.
Want to learn more about symptoms, concussion recovery and getting back to normal activity after a head injury? We have a free eBook available on Amazon. Just search “Concussion 101 Guide” and you’ll find it.