#71 - Marketing Your Non-Athletic Concussion Care Services

Referral sources for non-athletic concussions may include emergency rooms, urgent cares, primary care physicians, neurologists, physical therapists, chiropractors, and neuro-optometrists. Patients may also find you directly through word of mouth or by looking for a concussion specialist online.

There are a number of ways you can build your reputation as the go-to provider for concussion care services so the community knows your facility is the place to go for concussion treatment.

#1: Have a trained team of multidisciplinary professionals that can offer comprehensive concussion care under one roof.

#2: Provide education sessions to urgent cares, primary care, and other referral sources

#3: Provide ImPACT baseline testing and educational resources to individuals and organizations in the community.

#4: Be able to see patients within a few days of their call. You may also provide a hotline for patients to get their questions answered outside of business hours.

#5: Be aware of your online presence by making sure your website is up-to-date with the latest concussion strategies and getting your clinic listed in a reputable online directory such as ConcussionCareProviders.com


Taking care of your brain is a no brainer